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Welcome to the website dedicated to all entrepreneurial

Web site about making money - a business ..

Need important information about your business? Need inspiration or perhaps namotivovat? We hope that we will assist, and that you will find a solution for you.

Information for young entrepreneurs

Here you will find contract and documents - Sample CV in Czech and English languages, model lease, a model employment contract, an agreement on material responsibility, a list of trades, the definition of a trade ...

Interesting tips on the earnings on the internet for webmasters and for those without their own website, earning from home for moms and students and others. Interesting tips on how to sweeten your business, business plan in a nutshell, business plan and outline design, business plan ..

Information about current business trends at home and abroad. Ideas of history, free sms, lists of fines for self-employed, tax information by establishing Ltd. (So-called Ready-Made company) as well as buying companies already operating ... Advice on how to make money, money for advertising, etc.. Polls, articles, discussion about business, quickly search your topic of interest. Questions and answers for you ..


Start a business? Looking for information needed to open food, convenience stores, massage and fitness centers? Want to open a hotel, guesthouse, restaurant, cafe or disco? Review the business plan, how to start a business or company. Information step by step.

Still we try to provide as much information for those who already are taking a long time, even for beginning entrepreneurs. We hope that all grateful for some good advice, or idea that you could also use some way. Information on this site ( are from different sources. Administrators of this site therefore not responsible for any errors or ambiguities in its websites. For these errors to apologize. We enjoy your visit and thank you for visiting our website.


18.05.2012 11:34

Jak na vizitku v online době

Na první pohled by se mohlo zdát, že tradiční nástroje presentace, jako jsou například vizitky, díky technologickým možnostem, které přinesl...
26.12.2011 01:03

Štastné a veselé prožití vánočních svátků a úspěšný vstup do roku 2012 Vám přeje podnikání krok za krokem

Štastné a veselé prožití vánočních svátků a úspěšný vstup do roku 2012 Vám přeje podnikání krok za krokem
22.10.2011 07:50

Jak na podnikání v EU

Eurocentrum Hradec Králové ve spolupráci s Eurocentrem Pardubice pořádá 1. listopadu t.r. bezplatný seminář na téma „Jak na podnikání...
08.08.2011 16:35

Podnikání krok za krokem najdete nově i na Facebooku

Od srpna se k nám můžete připojit i na největší sociální síti světa Využijte možnost debatovat přímo ze svého profilu o dnešních...



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